TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre International

Dr. Olmos’ Reading List

Additional Reading Materials Recomended By Dr. Steven Olmos


Top 5 Recommended | TMD Books | Sleep & Breathing Books | Imaging Books | Nutrition Books

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Read the book written by Steven R. Olmos, DDS, Founder of TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre International


Top 5 Recommended Books

Sleep Medicine For Dentists | A Practical Overview (’09)

By G. Lavigne, P. Cistulli, and M. Smith

This concise hardback helps dentists understand, recognize & manage sleep apnea, sleep bruxism & chronic pain. Complete with 210 pages & 40 illustrations, this book provides guidance & appropriate referrals to patients who report snoring, sleepiness & morning headache; managing tooth damage/pain generated by bruxism; knowing when to prescribe oral appliances & their associated risks; collaborating closely with maxillofacial surgeons or ENT’s when surgery is indicated.

Sleep & Pain (’07)

By G. Lavigne, B. Sessle, with contributing authors

This softcover book of 473 pgs. addresses both scientists & clinicians involved in pain or sleep disorders. This book served as the first toward enhancing communication between the sleep and pain communities with the intent of improving patient care. Numerous references are included.

  • Part I provides brief summary chapters from leading experts to examine the underlying biological mechanisms & examination of evidence & studies.
  • Part II provides a wide clinical perspective on the problem. Reviews epidemiology, medical conditions & sleep disorders, pediatric & geriatric aspects, dreams/night-mares and effects of medications.

Nutrition & Physical Degeneration | 6th Edition

By W. Price

A basic book on nutrition & disease prevention. Includes: The Progressive Decline of Modern Civilization, Primitive Control of Dental Caries, One Origin of Physical Deformities, Physical Mental & Moral Deterioration, Practical Application of Primitive Wisdom, How Mother Nature Made Us, Steps in Our Modern Degeneration, Nutritional Programs for Race Regeneration.

Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction | The Tripper Point Manual

Volume 1 Upper-Body

By J. Travell and D. Simmons

A basic book on nutrition & disease prevention. Includes: The Progressive Decline of Modern Civilization, Primitive Control of Dental Caries, One Origin of Physical Deformities, Physical Mental & Moral Deterioration, Practical Application of Primitive Wisdom, How Mother Nature Made Us, Steps in Our Modern Degeneration, Nutritional Programs for Race Regeneration.

Orofacial Pain | From Basic Science to Clinical Management (’08)

By B. Sessel, G. Lavigne, J. Lund, and R. Dubner

This revised, expanded edition highlights understanding the biologic & psychologic pain mechanisms to prepare clinicians who treat patents presenting with a variety of pain symptoms. This 264 page hardback, complete with 95 illustrations, provides objective definitions & descriptions of pain & its physical effects. Beyond basic toothache & TMD’s, content covers pathologic conditions of surrounding orofacial structures & nonodontogenic pain disorders that may manifest as orofacial pain as well. Includes a series of case studies & guides you on how to develop practical, compassionate treatment plans based on logical evaluation methods.

TMD Books

Head, Face and Neck Pain Science, Evaluation, and Management (’09)

An Interdisciplinary Approach

By N. Mehta, G. Maloney, D. Bana, and S. Scrivani

This hardcover of 722 pages is an extremely comprehensive guide for head, face and neck pain. Content adheres strictly to the latest established guidelines for pain management in the medical & dental professions. In 4 sections, this latest research & therapeutic information includes:

Basic Concepts: The experience of pain Pain, disability & medico-legal issues Structural/functional imaging of the trigeminal system 

Head Pain: Headache classification – Migraine/Tension/Myofascial Trigeminal autonomic cephalagias Post traumatic headache, secondary headache, facial structures (eye, ear, sinus, teeth headaches) Jaw dysfunction & headache Sleep disorders & headaches

Facial Pain: Prevalence of chronic orofacial pain disorders Tooth related pain Oral medicine, oral pathology & facial pain Masticatory myofascial pain disorders, Maxillofacial relationships & facial pain  Neuropathic orofacial pain 

Neck Pain: Post-traumatic Cervical, rheumatic & arthritic disorders   Myofascial neck pain-neuromuscular & jaw disorders

Management of Temporomandibular & Occlusion (’12)

8th Edition

By J. Okeson

Text of 504 pages with illustrations provides a logical & practical approach to the study of occlusion & masticatory function. Updates include photos & line drawings showing occlusion techniques, diagnostic algorithms, botulinum toxin for chronic pain, and expanded local anesthetic blocks for diagnostic/therapeutic purposes. Divided into 4 main sections: 

  1. Functional Anatomy – 6 chapters on normal anatomic and physiologic features of the masticatory system 
  2. Etiology & Identification – functional disturbances in the masticatory system 
  3. Treatment of Functional Disturbances of the masticatory system includes chapters presenting rational treatments 
  4. Occlusal Therapy – 4 chapters on specific considerations for permanent therapy 

Atlas of Manipulative Techniques for the Cranium & Face

By A. Gehin

Organized by bone, with more than 100 illustrations and 250 pages, each technique is illustrated through remarkable drawings which graphically depict the placement and movement of the practitioner’s hands on the patient’s head. Accompanying concise text systematically describes the purpose of the technique, the position of both patient and practitioner, the points of contact and the movement of hands and fingers in relation to the cranial motion for these techniques:
Occipital Temporal Frontal Parietal Sphenoidal Facial bones  Circulatory. 

Clinical Pharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple (’06)

By J. Olson

This paperback of 162 pages is an excellent source of information, and gives an overview of the most important principles in clinical pharmacology – with drug comparisons in clear chart format. Guide organizes related drugs in tables & allows the reader to learn about a prototype drug & the important ways that related drugs differ.

Clinical Psychopharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple

9th Edition

By J. Preston, B. Moore, and J. Johnson

A brief, practical review of the indications for and use of pharmacologic agents in the treatment of psychologic disorders. This paperback of 73 pages covers: Depression – Bipolar Illness – Anxiety Disorders – Miscellaneous Disorders – History & Personal Data Questionnaire – Cautions when Taking MAO Inhibitors. 

Clinical Psychopharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple

6th Edition

By S. Goldberg

This book clearly presents the most relevant concepts while traversing the daunting waters of clinical neuroanatomy with mnemonics, humor, illustrations, and case presentations. Topics include General Anatomical Organization, Blood Supply, Meninges and Spinal Fluid, Spinal Cord, Brain Stem, The Visual System, Autonomic System and Hypothalamus, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia and Thalamus, Cerebral Cortex, Neurotransmitters, Mini-atlas and Clinical Review. A brief, clear, and conceptually intuitive approach to Clinical Neuroanatomy. The MedMaster Medical Books series are not like any other medical textbooks. Our books are made to help healthcare students and professionals master medical knowledge in a simple, effective, and quick way. Our style makes it ridiculously simple to understand complex subjects and develop critical thinking skills. We believe medical information should be accessible, and we strive to package information in a way that is easy to digest and fun to learn. An ideal book for nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, doctors, and other health care professionals.

Langman’s Medical Embryology

9th Edition

By T. W. Sadler

Softcover book/CD with 534 pages of colored & black/white photos & illustrations. Integrates developmental biology & morphology, providing essential information on development at the molecular level for a better understanding of genetic causes of birth defects. Concise format, providing a quality foundation. It integrates information on abnormal development in conjunction with normal development, supplying a more logical format for learning. Great section on embryology of: skeletal system muscular system body cavities cardiovascular system head & neck, ear, eye central nervous system, etc.

Bell’s Orofacial Pains (’05)

7th Edition

By J. Okeson

Has 567 pages w/ 222 illustrations provides framework for understanding the pain mechanism. A section on injection technique has been added with 35 case reports to help understand orofacial disorders & treating them effectively. It presents a classification system for orofacial pain disorders with pain of cutaneous mucogingival with dental, TMJ, muscular with visceral, neurovascular w/neuropathic origin. Includes normal neuroanatomy, trigeminal system, classification of orofacial pain disorders & outlines diagnostic approaches for differentiating, management considerations.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (’01)

A Practitioner’s Guide

By A. Isberg

A hardback of 204 pages with 50 color photos & diagrams documented with numerous studies by world-class authorities. Part I deals with the diagnostic scheme – an answer to the practitioner’s prayer; normal TMJ function, pain from joint region, sounds & dysfunction. Part II provides an exhaustive analysis of multiple departures from the normal. Discusses: 

TMJ anatomy as related to TMD & trauma 
internal derangement & disc displacement
inflammatory diseases 
nerve entrapment
growth changes 
radiographic imaging 

Book owners’ comment, “She has no axe to grind. Content is well-presented, unbeatable information.” 

Prolo Your Pain Away

Curing Chronic Pain with Prolotherapy

By R. A. Hauser

M.D. explains a simple & safe technique that stimulates the body’s healing mechanisms to grow new ligament & tendon tissue. This softcover text includes 374 pages. Updates include: Nutrition’s role in chronic pain Dietary supplements New solution for injections  New research. Prolotherapy provides a permanent cure for many chronic painful & conditions without complications of surgery or drugs. Excellent for TMJ, migraines, fibromyalgia, sciatica, sports injury pain, migraines & more.

Atlas of Interventional Pain Management

By S. Waldman

Text updates in each chapter reflect the most contemporary approaches in interventional pain management, e.g., the use of smaller, sharper, shorter needles; the increased use of radiographic guidance; and the evolution from neuro-destructive procedures that rely primarily on chemical agents to those that utilize radio frequency techniques. Also added are 100 radiographic, fluoroscopic, CRT and MR images to provide the clinician with further “how-to” information. When possible, both fluoroscopic and CT images were included to further clarify the technique. Twenty-two new chapters are added featuring latest techniques with alternative approaches to address the evolving and differing opinions. User-friendly hardback text of 642 pages in vivid full color art and how-to approaches that made the first edition so popular. 

The Principles of Prolotherapy

By T. Ravin, M. Centieri, and G. Pasquarello

With more than 250 color photographs and 100 anatomical illustrations, Principles of Prolotherapy provides a comprehensive guide to the body’s musculoskeletal anatomy as it pertains to the practice of prolotherapy. This practical resource book is intended for professionals who treat chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Drs Ravin, Cantieri, and Pasquarello have combined their knowledge of treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain and their expertise in osteopathic manipulative medicine to train thousands of physicians from the United States and 17 foreign countries over the course of nearly 20 years. Their pain-staking collaboration has resulted in this concisely written and visually accurate manual.

Orofacial Pain

Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis and Management

By The American Academy of Orofacial Pain, Edited by R. Leeuw and G. Klasser

This state-of-the-art book is a must for everyone interested in assessment, diagnosis and management of orofacial pain and associated conditions. All AAOP Fellow and Active Members have been sent a complimentary copy. This new edition includes several updates, has adopted the DC/TMD as the backbone for temporomandibular disorders, and has now a chapter dedicated to pain and sleep. When available, evidence-based literature has been included to provide for scientifically sound and effective diagnostic procedures and treatment options. With an eye on the near future, this edition includes not only ICD-9, but also ICD-10 codes for most disorders described. The following topics are covered in 12 separate chapters. All chapters start with a series of key points to help direct the reader. 

• Introduction to Orofacial Pain 
• General Assessment of the Orofacial Pain Patient 
• Diagnostic Classification of Orofacial Pain 
• Vascular and Nonvascular Intracranial Disorders 
• Primary Headache Disorders 
• Intraoral Pain Disorders 
• Temporomandibular disorders 
• Cervicogenic Mechanisms of Orofacial Pain and Headaches 
• Extracranial Causes of Orofacial Pain and Headaches 
• Sleep and Orofacial Pain 
• Axis II Biobehavioral Considerations

Orofacial Pain

A Guide to Medications and Management

By G. T. Glenn and R. A. Dionne 

• Detailed discussion of the uses of oral, injectable and topical medications in pain management 
• In-depth analysis of the top 60 medications prescribed for orofacial pain  
• Comprehensive coverage of drug types, pharmacolegal issues, and the interaction of medication management with other treatment strategies 

Finding The Source

Maximizing Your Results With and Without Orthopaedic Surgery

By V. Romano

Whether you’re a young athlete playing football, a nine-to-five office worker who boxes in the evenings, or someone who’s getting older and wants to stay active, chronic injuries and pain will matter how intense the sport or activity is, it’s important to understand the options available for injuries, and how to recover in the most efficient manner possible.

Diagnostic Imaging Head & Neck

2nd Edition

By H. R. Harnsberger, C. M. Glastonbury, M. A. Michel, B. L. Koch, with contributing authors  

Nearly 400 diagnoses that are delineated, referenced, and lavishly illustrated highlight the third edition of this bestselling reference. Dr. H. Ric Harnsberger and his expert author team of Drs. Pat Hudgins, Bernadette L. Koch, and Bronwyn Hamilton provide carefully updated information in a concise, bulleted format, keeping you current with recent advances in head and neck radiology. Succinct text, outstanding illustrations, and up-to-date content make this title a must-have reference for both radiologists and otolaryngologists who need a single, go-to guide in this fast-changing area. 

Sleep and Breathing Books

Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine

3rd Edition

By M. H. Kryger,  A. Y. Avidan, and C. A. Goldstein 

Accurately diagnose and treat adult and pediatric sleep disorders with exceptional visual guidance from world-renowned sleep expert Dr. Meir H. Kryger. Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine is an easy-to-read, highly illustrated atlas that details the physiologic, clinical, morphologic, and investigational aspects of the full range of sleep disorders you encounter in everyday practice — and helps you interpret the visual manifestations of your patients’ sleep disorders so you can manage them most effectively.

Principles & Practice of Sleep Medicine

5th Edition

By M. H. Kryger,  T. Roth, and W. C. Dement

Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, 5th Edition, delivers the comprehensive, dependable guidance you need to effectively diagnose and manage even the most challenging sleep disorders. Updates to genetics and circadian rhythms, occupational health, sleep in older people, memory and sleep, physical examination of the patient, comorbid insomnias, and much more keep you current on the newest areas of the field. A greater emphasis on evidence-based approaches helps you make the most well-informed clinical decisions. And, a new more user-friendly, full color format – both in print and online, lets you find the answers you need more quickly and easily. Whether you are preparing for the new sleep medicine fellowship examination, or simply want to offer your patients today’s best care, this is the one resource to use!

Principles & Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine

2nd Edition

By S. H. Sheldon, R. Ferber, M. H. Kryger, and D. Gozal

The most comprehensive source for diagnosing and managing sleep disorders in children. Newly updated and now in full color throughout, this medical reference book is internationally recognized as the definitive resource for any health practitioner who treats children, providing absolute guidance on virtually all of the sleep-associated problems encountered in pediatric patients. 

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep

Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems | 3rd Edition

By J. A. Mindell and J. A. Owens

Sleep disorders have a significant impact on a child’s physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development, and greatly affect the family, as well. Fortunately, today’s health care providers have highly effective medical and behavioral interventions at their disposal for treatment and prevention. A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, 3rd Edition, synthesizes current information on the assessment and treatment of sleep disorders in children and adolescents and gives you the practical tools you need to recognize, evaluate, and treat sleep 6 issues. This state-of-the-art resource provides comprehensive, user friendly guidance on pediatric sleep that will help you improve the lives of your patients and their families. 

Pediatric Sleep Problems

A Clinician’s Guide to Behavioral Interventions

By L. J. Meltzer

Sleep problems are common in children. Between 25-40% of youth experience sleep difficulties such as sleep anxiety, insomnia, frequent waking, delayed circadian rhythm, night terrors, and nocturnal enuresis or encopresis at some point during childhood or adolescence. Yet, most healthcare providers receive little if any training in paediatric sleep problems — and most training that does exist tends to emphasize medical rather than behavioral interventions. This book presents highly effective behavioral interventions for common paediatric sleep problems. Step-by-step instructions show readers how to clinically assess and treat children from toddlers to teenagers, and case examples apply the instructions to real-life scenarios. The authors also provide more than 30 handouts and worksheets for parents and children, including sleep logs and directions for a series of creative, at-home interventions. 

Sleep | What Every Parent Needs To Know

By R. Y. Moon

Sooner or later, most parents face challenges at bedtime. From infants and toddlers, to school-age kids and adolescents, sleep time problems can affect everyone in the family. And no matter what your child’s difficulty may be – getting to sleep, staying asleep, bed-wetting, fears or nightmares – it’s never too late to take steps to correct it. 

The Oxygen Advantage

By P. McKeown

In The Oxygen Advantage, the man who has trained over 5,000 people—including Olympic and professional athletes—in reduced breathing exercises now shares his scientifically validated techniques to help you breathe more efficiently. Patrick McKeown teaches you the fundamental relationship between oxygen and the body, then gets you started with a Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT) to determine how efficiently your body uses oxygen. He then shows you how to increase your BOLT score by using light breathing exercises and learning how to simulate high altitude training, a technique used by Navy SEALs and professional athletes to help increase endurance, weight loss, and vital red blood cells to dramatically improve cardio-fitness. 

Close Your Mouth

By P. McKeown

Without a doubt, the Buteyko Method is the most effective and direct way to reverse asthma, as shown through four clinical trials that resulted in 70% less coughing and wheezing, 90% less need for reliever medication and 50% less need for preventer medication within twelve weeks.


The New Science Of A Lost Art

By J. Nestor

No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, none of it matters if you’re not breathing properly. There is nothing more essential to our health and well-being than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat 25,000 times a day. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences. 

Imaging Books

Diagnostic Imaging | Oral and Maxillofacial

2nd Edition

By L. J. Koenig, D. F. Tamimi, C. G. Petrikowski, and S. E. Perschbacher

Bridging the gap between dentistry and medical radiology, this up-to-date volume covers the anatomic zones, imaging modalities, patient conditions, and presenting clinical signs and symptoms shared by dentistry and medicine. Written by oral and maxillofacial radiologists specifically for those using CT or CBCT technology, this unique title not only offers a dentist’s perspective on oral and maxillofacial imaging, but also benefits radiologists in the head and neck field. Dr. Lisa Koenig and her expert author team provide carefully updated information in a concise, bulleted format, keeping you current with recent advances in oral and maxillofacial radiology. 

Specialty Imaging | Temporomandibular Joint

By D. F. Tamimi and D. C. Hatcher

Specialty Imaging: Temporomandibular Joint offers expert insight into modern imaging of the temporomandibular joint by employing a multifaceted, multi-specialty viewpoint of this difficult to understand joint. Image-rich content combines with easy-to-read text, bringing together the clinical perspectives and imaging expertise of today’s research specialists. 

Nutrition Books

Mosby’s Handbook of Herbs & Natural Supplements

By L. Skidmore-Roth

A handbook of 1073 pages that discusses how an herb or natural supplement affects your patient care plan. There are 270 easy-to-use monographs for commonly used products & supplements. Includes generic names, botanical names, common alternative & trade names, actions, uses, dosages, side effects & adverse reactions, contraindications, precautions, pharmacokinetics & more. Incorporates safety information from the FDA & the American Herbal Product Association. 

Grain Brain | The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar

Your Brain’s Silent Killer

By D. Perlmutter and K. Loberg

Renowned neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, blows the lid off a topic that’s been buried in medical literature for far too long: carbs are destroying your brain. And not just unhealthy carbs, but even healthy ones like whole grains can cause dementia, ADHD, anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, and much more. Dr. Perlmutter explains what happens when the brain encounters common ingredients in your daily bread and fruit bowls, why your brain thrives on fat and cholesterol, and how you can spur the growth of new brain cells at any age. He offers an in-depth look at how we can take control of our “smart genes” through specific dietary choices and lifestyle habits, demonstrating how to remedy our most feared maladies without drugs. With a revolutionary 4-week plan, GRAIN BRAIN teaches us how we can reprogram our genetic destiny for the better. 

Brain Maker | The Power of Gut Microbes To Heal and Protect Your Brain For Life

By D. Perlmutter and K. Loberg

Debilitating brain disorders are on the rise-from children diagnosed with autism and ADHD to adults developing dementia at younger ages than ever before. But a medical revolution is underway that can solve this problem: Astonishing new research sheds light on the influence of the human microbiome in every aspect of health, including your nervous system. In BRAIN MAKER, Dr. Perlmutter explains the potent interplay between intestinal microbes and the brain, describing how the microbiome develops from birth and evolves based on the environment, how it can become “sick,” and how nurturing gut health through a few easy strategies can alter your brain’s destiny for the better. With simple dietary recommendations and a highly practical program of six steps to improving gut ecology, Brain Maker opens the door to unprecedented brain health potential.

Wheat Belly

Lose The Weight, and Find Your Path Back To Health

By W. Davis

Over 200 million Americans consume food products made of wheat every day. As a result, over 100 million experience some form of adverse health effect, ranging from minor rashes to high blood sugar to unattractive stomach bulges preventative cardiologist William Davis calls “wheat bellies.” According to Davis, that excess fat has nothing to do with gluttony, sloth, or too much butter: it’s due to the whole grain wraps we eat for lunch. Informed by cutting-edge science and nutrition, along with case studies from men and women who have experienced life changing transformations in health after waving goodbye to wheat, Wheat Belly is an illuminating look at what is truly making Americans sick and an action plan to clear our plates of this seemingly benign ingredient. 

Eat Right For Your Blood Type

The Individualized Blood Type Diet Solution

By P. D’Adamo and C. Whitney

Your blood type reflects your internal chemistry. It is the key that unlocks the mysteries of disease, longevity, fitness, and emotional strength. It determines your susceptibility to illness, the foods you should eat, and ways to avoid the most troubling health problems.

The Plant Paradox

The Individualized Blood Type Diet Solution

By S. R. Gundry

In Dr. Steven Gundry’s breakout bestseller The Plant Paradox, readers learned the surprising truth about foods that have long been regarded as healthy. Lectins—a type of protein found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy, and grains—wreak havoc on the gut, creating systemic inflammation and laying the groundwork for disease and weight gain. Avoiding lectins offers incredible health benefits but requires a significant lifestyle change—one that, for many people, can feel overwhelming. 

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Action Plan

By D. Calimeris and S. Bruner

Authors Dorothy Calimeris and Sondi Bruner bring first-hand experience of coping with chronic inflammation. They learned that by focusing on the foods we eat, we can soothe the inflammation in our bodies.  Let them show you how to conquer chronic inflammation by developing a customized anti-inflammatory diet plan and arming you with the tools to support your health. 

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