TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre International

Doctor Newsletter – December 2015

Dr Newsletter San Diego December 2015All of us at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of San Diego want to wish you Happy Holidays!

We would like to take this opportunity to let you know of some exciting and important announcements.

We are very happy to announce that Dr. Olmos has opened our newest Centre in Dubai, UAE alongside the London Sleep Centre. This is a very exciting collaboration with one of the top sleep physicians in London and they have already had several top dignitaries from the region come to be treated.

Dr. Olmos has also received his Tennessee dental physician license and is not only lecturing at the University of Tennessee, but he is working with top pediatric physicians in the area to bring sleep related breathing disorder treatment to local children that are not successful in using C-PAP. Remember, sleep apnea can be cured in children! If you are concerned about your child not sleeping well or having trouble in school, please call us for an appointment today!

Most of you should have been personally contacted, but for those that he was not able to reach, Dr. Chase Bennett has decided to move to Denver to focus solely on his practice there. We wish him well. Our founder, Dr. Steven Olmos will now be available to see patients in San Diego as his schedule permits. We have rearranged his schedule to allow more time in San Diego to treat patients.

We are also so proud to announce that Dr. Olmos has received his Master of Excellence from the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain (AACP). The AACP is committed to the relief of craniofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders and sleep related breathing disorders and supporting the advancement of education, research and dissemination of knowledge and skills in these areas. Because of his skill and advancement of these areas, Dr. Olmos has also been voted President Elect of the AACP. Congratulations Dr. Olmos!

As the only American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine accredited facility in San Diego, we are constantly striving to bring our community the highest level of care. With 36 Centres in 6 Countries our treatment is proven again and again. Please don’t hesitate to callfor more information. Thank you for your referals we are here to help!

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